Sparkle All season

Learn to be okay on the inside no matter what happens on the outside

Burned Out?
Feeling Betrayed?

Self-Care Tools & Rituals for Autumn
To Stay Energetic, Balanced, & Happy

For women who want to:


πŸ‘‘Live in flow with the seasons, nature, and the truth of their heart and soul


πŸ‘‘Cultivate the courage to look within, uncover the truth, and get to know themselves as they authentically are.



πŸ‘‘Develop the confidence to show themselves without fear of judgment


πŸ‘‘Find the freedom to be exactly as they are so that burnout is a thing of the past!

Not for those who:


Play games, make excuses, lie to themselves, refuse to acknowledge the truth, embody the victim, or want to tear others down or justify why things won't work for them.

Virtual Wellness Retreats:

November 6, 12-1 MST, on Zoom

Unmasking - The Art & Science of Letting Go and Revealing Who You Are.


December 4, 12-1 MST, on Zoom

Tools for Rest, Stillness, & Cultivating Deep Peace in a Frenetic World.


January 8, 12.1 MST, on Zoom

How to Honor the Fresh, New & Unknown. A New Paradigm for Beginning a New Year.


Farewell to Fall/Welcome to Winter

Ritual & Celebration

Starlight, fire, sacred music, and dance. Join us in person or virtually as we release the old and settle in to a season of slumber and dreams.

Monday, January 22, 6-8 PM MST




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    Lora Cheadle helps women who have given away too much, fall back in love with themselves and the lives they've worked so hard to create.